My Summer Project

This summer, I decided to go through Dan’s sweaters and wash each and every one, and look for what needed repairs.  It was a long process, as I did one or two on the nice days when they could dry flat on the table outside.  I asked him if he had ever washed some of these sweaters, and he gave me a quizzical look…


The heavy ones will now be bagged for next winter.  About 1/2 of his are handknit.

And now I have started on my sweaters, almost all of which I knit.  I was surprised by some that were very dirty, seems that cables hold the dirt more, in all those folds.  I am only part way through my collection, but it is good to organize, assess and repair if needed.  I do have a favorite one that has never had buttons, so this will be a good time for that.  Some of these were long neglected, I am not sure that it is necessary to do every year, I wonder what others do.


At the beginning of the summer I was washing socks, and it was almost all of the hand knit socks that Dan and I own (he has more than I).  The image of them all hanging to dry on the line outside is a favorite.

So, happy, healthy knits at the end of the summer.